Saturday, August 28, 2010

work work WORK....

So its the busy season at work, which means I worked 59 hours last week, 59 hours this week and apparently the next three weeks look the same or worse....yay!!! Anyways, tonight I'm seeing some friends I haven't seen since before I left for Sweden. Plus, I may go for a day hike tomorrow. Should be a fun rest of the weekend!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ayo technology........

the used blackberry (that stef bought for 10 bucks) has finally gone down, the battery life actually gains some from time to time, it restarts randomly and is pretty much unusable, but I have saved my old phone and am back to that one! I refuse to buy a new one......stupid technology lol

Sunday, August 22, 2010

So I decided to start a blog and will probably give up on it within a week but who knows, more people have them than I thought so I thought I'd chime in!
Just a few pictures from last weeks visit to Sperpent Mound Park in Peebles Ohio....
and then a super fucking cute picture of my girl watching twilight while I set up my blog as we Skype....don't kill me lol I love you min duva ;)